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Boat Box Hot Springs | Stanley Idaho’s Famous Hot Spring

Boat Box Hot Springs is located just three miles down Highway 75 from Stanley, Idaho. The hot springs are really easy to access, located literally only a few steps from the road, however, they’re rather small. And while all those romantic images you have of soaking in hot springs in Stanley should be thrown out, a road trip through this area wouldn’t be complete with a stop at Boat Box Hot Springs!

Boat Box Hot Springs is still a fantastic place to soak in Stanley, Idaho! Just go into your time at Boat Box with patience and the understanding of likely sharing the springs with others!

Boat Box Hot Springs Quick Facts

  • Location: Boat Box Hot Springs
  • Temperature: hot.. like super hot, although buckets are available to add river water in
  • Access: right off the highway, just a couple steps down a steep rocky path
  • Texture: in a copper pot/kettle or in a pool of river rock
  • Depth: sitting down, it covers the shoulders, river pools are shallow
  • Smell: these are not sulfur hot springs, so you won’t get that typical hot spring smell
Hot spring with metal caldron near river.
Hot spring with metal caldron near river.

Where exactly is Boat Box Hot Springs in Stanley, Idaho?

Boat Box Hot Springs is arguably the most popular hot spring in Stanley, Idaho. Which is rather funny, because it’s not even on Google Maps.. please keep it that way! The Sawtooth Wilderness surrounding Stanley draws people in for the breathtaking views and incredible outdoor activities year-round. And to top off a great day in the mountains, down in the valley just three miles from Stanley is Boat Box Hot Spring!

The hot spring itself is located on a rather sharp turn heading out of town. In fact, the source of the hot spring is on one side of the road, while the pipe, piping the water from the source, spits out the other side of the road. There’s a tiny parking area for about three-four cars with the hot springs being just steps away from the parking area.

It’s a little nerve-wracking hearing the cars zip around the corner, knowing that if they take it a little too fast, they’ll run off the road right into the hot spring. But even with that, it’s still a nice experience.

Getting to Boat Box is really easy. Just jump on Highway 75 towards Challis, and on the first 30 mile an hour corner, roughly 3 miles from town, you’ll see a small parking area on the riverside of the road. If there’s room for you to park, park your car and look upstream. You’ll see the kettle known as Boat Box Hot Spring, and if the river water isn’t too high, you’ll also see little rock pools to soak in.

natural hot springs, Stanley, Idaho, kettle hot spring
Can you see the white PVC pipe in this picture.. that’s how the kettle gets full! You can also see the road on the right side of this picture… it really is SUPER close!

What’s all the hype about Boat Box Hot Springs?

The proximity to Stanley, the temperature of the water, and the easy access to the soaking pools in my opinion are what draw people to Boat Box. That paired with people saying it’s a super unique, one-of-a-kind soak, and obviously, the social media pictures floating around of this “epically romantic” place bring loads of attention to Boat Box Hot Springs.

However, like most cases, the images that sell Boat Box, don’t tell the full story!

Don’t get us wrong, the hot spring is great. And, it is unique. BUT, there are a couple just like it (maybe even better) just a bit further out of town! And shoot, this place is busy!

We soaked a number of times in both the kettle at Boat Box and the rock pools just below the kettle and each time we couldn’t really fully relax and enjoy the place. With people coming again and again just for a quick picture in the kettle, or people waiting with their cars running and lights on for their turn in the kettle, there just wasn’t that romantic and relaxing vibe a hot spring should give.

kettle hot spring and river hot springs, Boat Box Hot Springs, ArboursAbroad
Here you can see the kettle hot spring.. which is what everyone goes for, and also the pools along the river. Honestly, both are nice to soak in in our opinion. The river ones are just sometimes covered depending on the water levels.
Boat Box Hot Spring, man sitting in rock pool in river, arboursabroad
Jay, cooling off in one of the cooler hot spring pools just beneath the big kettle.

How do you get the perfect water temperature in the kettle?

The kettle is just as it sounds. A proper kettle, like one a witch would cook her stew in. The kettle is filled with water piped under the road and directly into the kettle/pot. Be careful..this water is hot enough to burn you. A plastic bucket at the hot spring allows you to add river water to cool the temperature of the water coming straight from the source.

As you can imagine, with just water sitting in a pot and people getting in and out of it over and over again, the water can get gross rather fast. Whoever designed the kettle thought of this though, and added a plug to the bottom of the pot. Draining the water allows the next user to add fresh water and get it to its perfect temperature. However, this process can be roughly 20 minutes, so it seemed like most people just go in the water already there!

The pipe is adjustable, so when you’re soaking move it where you like! Just be careful as it really is hot enough to burn you coming directly from the source!

Don’t be afraid to dip in the river when you get too hot. The cold water from the river feels so refreshing! And, it makes the hot spring feel like new when you get back in!

kettle hot spring in Stanley Idaho, ArboursAbroad, Boat Box Hot Springs
See the pipe going into the top of the kettle. That’s where the burning hot water comes from. Moving this pipe in and out of the hot spring helps regulate the temperature. The bucket on the side is to dump in river water to cool the kettle down.

What do I need to bring for soaking in the hot springs?

Proper swimsuits are a must when visiting Boat Box Hot Spring and other hot springs in Stanley. While there are the more natural rock pools just below the kettle, don’t be that person that insists on bathing nude. There are hot springs for that, and these ones simply are not.

You’ll also certainly want to bring a towel. We always travel with a microfiber towel, as they’re small, quick-drying, and are made for being used over and over again without washes in between.

We also recommend bringing a water bottle. At least a liter of it per person. Being in the hot water will dehydrate you. Plus, drinking water is a great way to cool you down on the inside!

Since this hot spring is literally just steps from the road, you really don’t have to wear shoes to get in and out. However, Crocs make for great shoes for slipping in and out of!

Boat Box Hot Springs Etiquette

READ MORE | Hot Spring Etiquette (11 Things to Know)

Wear Clothing // No, you don’t have to be wearing your long johns to soak, but do make sure you’ve got your goodies covered! Boat Box hot springs are not the type of hot springs to bathe nude in… Don’t be that person in the kettle with your hooha hanging out!

Limit Soaking Time to 30 Minutes // As a general rule, once someone else shows up to soak in the kettle bit of Boat Box Hot Springs, enjoy another 20-30 minutes of your soak before passing the space off to the next person. Truthfully, 20-30 minutes is probably long enough to soak here anyway, as the water really is super hot!

If you’re waiting to soak, don’t be afraid to ask those in front of you how much longer they will be. Just do so in a polite and friendly way! And shoot, don’t pressure them to get out! It is what it is if others are soaking and you have to wait!

Pack Out Trash // If you bring it there, don’t leave it there. There are no garbage cans at Boat Box, so be sure to pack out whatever you pack in. If you can’t bring it back to your car after soaking, don’t bring it with you in the first place!

Don’t Use the Bathroom in the Springs // I can’t believe I’m writing this, and honestly, I can’t believe I overheard this from other users. But seriously, don’t use the bathroom in this hot spring or any other. Nobody wants to soak in your pee! Bring a toilet like this one with you if you think you’ll need to use that bathroom while you soak. Or shoot, if you have to pee, do so literally anywhere but in the kettle!

Leave Your Pets in the Car // Is it just us or does it drive everyone else insane when people let their dogs in hot springs!? And even more so when people allow their dogs to just run freely splashing other soakers, and getting water all over other people’s belongings!? If you’re a dog owner that does this, please let us know why you think it’s okay!! As a pet owner, please keep in mind, not all people are “dog” people and want your dogs all up in their business!

hot spring, Stanley, Idaho, arboursabroad, Boat Box

Camping near Boat Box Hot Springs

Idaho has some amazing primitive campgrounds that are oftentimes free or available to use for a very little charge. There are loads of campgrounds right along the Salmon River, minutes from Boat Box Hot Springs. Although be warned, these campgrounds are seasonal and tend to fill quickly in the high season.

If visiting April-September, plan on paying around $20 a night for a campsite along Highway 75. In the offseason, before the snow hits, some of these campgrounds like Mormon Bend Campground, are open with limited services for $8 a night. However, we also found some free campsites near Boat Box Hot Springs just from driving around or using one of the many ways to find free camping, found in the post below!

Find Free Camping Near Boat Box Hot Springs Here

Where else to stay close to Boat Box Hot Springs

If camping isn’t your thing.. don’t worry! There are BnBs, cabins, and lodges when you don’t want to sleep under the stars! Below we’ve listed a couple that caught our eye! Book well in advance if you plan on visiting Stanley in the summer months. The town is very small and is a very popular place for tourists!

If You’re Looking for a Hotel Stay in Stanley // The Mountain Village Resort is a great place to stay in the heart of Stanley. If you stay at the resort, you can use their private hot springs. The resort is easily accessible with a large parking area. And, has a killer restaurant to indulge at. Think… churro ice cream, delicious biscuits and gravy, and classic mountain village decor!

Fancy a Cabin Stay in Stanley? // Triangle C Cabins are cabins right next to Stanley’s grocery store, offering private cabins with individual bathrooms. These cabins are postcard-perfect with the Sawtooth Range just behind them!

Are there any other hot springs near Boat Box?

Thought you’d never ask.. 😉 There are five hot springs all within 15 miles of each other right around Stanley, Idaho!! And of course, after we learned of them, visited them multiple times, and enjoyed it all.. we wrote about them so you could too! Find their locations, read about them, and see pictures of each in the post below!

Hot Springs Near Boat Box Hot Springs in Stanley Idaho

SunBeam Hot Springs | Our Favorite Hot Spring in Stanley

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Hot spring with metal caldron near river.
Hot spring with metal caldron near river.

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